Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A prayer by St. Jerome, to invoke God’s mercy


Show me, O Lord, your mercy, and delight my heart with it. Let me find you whom I so longingly seek. Behold, here is the man whom the robbers seized, manhandled, and left half dead on the road to Jericho. Kindhearted Samaritan, come to my aid! I am the sheep who wandered into the wilderness. Seek after me and bring me home again to your fold. Do with me according to your Will, that I may abide with you all the days of my life, and praise you with all those who are with you in heaven for all eternity. Amen.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Prayer to Saint Michael for Assistance at the Hour of Death


O glorious Archangel St. Michael, by Your Protection, enable my soul to be so enriched by grace as to be worthy to be presented by you to Jesus Christ, my Judge, at the Hour of my death. As you conquered Satan and expelled him from heaven, conquer him again and drive him from me at the Hour of my death. Amen.

O Mary, Queen of Heaven, procure for me the assistance of St. Michael at the Hour of my death!

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for the Dying

Hail, most glorious Saint Michael! hail most merciful leader of the Heavenly host! hail, honour and glory of the Angelic hierarchy! O most illustrious Prince, O sublime hero, ornament of Paradise, brilliant jewel of the Celestial Palace; full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, thou art the impress of the Divine likeness; gold and precious stones increase thy splendour; thou dost walk in the fulness of joy through Paradise; thou dost proceed to the mount of God, through the midst of shining fires; thou hast been appointed by God, the Prince of souls, thou dost raise them up, and bring them into the dwelling of eternal joy. I venture, blessed Prince, to remind thee of all the graces, which the infinite bounty of God has bestowed upon thee, above all orders of Angels; and I pray thee, by the mutual love of the three Divine Persons, deign to receive my soul at my last hour, and to gain favour for me from the Divine Judge, by the power of thy intercession. Grant the same protection to all the dying, for whom I now intercede, and obtain for them the grace of a holy death. Amen.

Prayer for Perseverance to St. Michael

 O God, who made Blessed Michael, Your Archangel, victorious over the proud Lucifer and all the wicked spirits, we beseech You that, fighting under the Cross and ever adopting his maxim, “Who is like God?”, we may be victorious over all our enemies and be delivered from all evils. Regulate our lives according to Your will and Commandments. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel – Original Version


St. Michael’s Prayer is the original version as written by Pope Leo XIII.   It is taken from The Raccolta, twelfth edition, published by Burnes, Oates & Washbourne Ltd,  publishers to the Holy See, London, 1935. It was originally published in the Roman Raccolta of July 23, 1898, and a supplement approved July 31, 1902:

O Glorious Archangel St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, and spirits of evil.

Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist Thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven. That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan, who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels.

Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men; his depraved mind, corrupt heart, his spirit of
lying, impiety, blasphemy, his pestilential breath of impurity and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the
Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate Thee as their protector and patron; in Thee Holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to
Thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, do Thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered, hostile powers.
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered, the root of David.
V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord
R. As we have hoped in Thee.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee

God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy name, and we humbly implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel St. Michael, Thou wouldst deign to help us
against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls.

Pope Leo XIII, 1888
Raccolta 1933 (Partial Indulgence)

Saint Michael Novena


Say for nine consecutive days

Saint Michael the Archangel, loyal champion of God and His Catholic people, I turn to thee with confidence and seek thy powerful intercession. For the love of God, Who hast made thee so glorious in grace and power, and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels, be pleased to hear my prayer.

Thou knowest the value of my soul in the eyes of God. May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty. Help me to conquer the evil spirit who tempts me. I desire to imitate thy loyalty to God and Holy Mother Church and thy great love for God and men. And since thou art God’s messenger for the care of His people, I entrust to thee this special request: [Here mention your request.]

Saint Michael, since thou art, by the will of the Creator, the powerful intercessor of Christians, I have great confidence in thy prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy will, my petition will be granted.

Pray for me, Saint Michael, and also for those I love. Protect us in all dangers of body and soul. Help us in our daily needs. Through thy powerful intercession, may we live a holy life, die a happy death and reach Heaven where we may praise and love God with thee forever. Amen.

In thanksgiving to God for the graces bestowed on St. Michael:
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

The Feast of the Dedication of the Archangel St. Michael

 Today's festival is called in the breviary of the Church, the Dedication of the Holy Archangel St. Michael. To understand this, it is necessary to know an event which took place at the time of Pope Gelasius I. in the latter part of the fifth Century. In Apulia, there is a mountain formerly called Gargano, now Monte St. Angelo, or Angel's mountain. Near this mountain, a herdsman was keeping his cattle. A steer strayed away from his herd and went into the woods on the mountain, to the entrance of a cave which was concealed by bushes. The herdsman, to drive the animal out of the cave back to the herd, shot an arrow at it. The arrow, however, turned and flew with great force back to him. The herdsman and those who were present were terrified at this and none dared to go nearer to the cave. They went to the bishop, who was at Siponto, a neighboring city, and informed him of what had occurred. The bishop, not doubting that a divine mystery was concealed under it, ordered his congregation to fast and pray three days, in order that God might graciously reveal it to them. At the expiration of the three days, St. Michael, the Archangel, appeared to the bishop and announced to him that the place whither the steer had fled was under his especial protection, and that he desired that they should dedicate the spot to the honor of God, and to the memory of St. Michael and all the Angels.

The bishop, greatly rejoiced, called the clergy and the people together, and having informed them of the revelation, formed a large procession and ascended the mountain. They found a large cave which was like a Church hewn out of the rock. Above the entrance was an opening by which the whole interior received light. To offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass in it, only the altar was wanting; but it was speedily erected by the pious bishop. The Church itself was soon after dedicated with great solemnity to St. Michael and all holy Angels. The fame of this event spread in a short time all around and drew a great many pilgrims to the Church, while the many miracles that took place there, were a visible sign that the veneration and invocation of St. Michael and the other holy angels must be very agreeable to the Most High. Today's festival was instituted to commemorate the dedication of the Church on Mount Gargano, hence it is called the dedication of St. Michael, as he is especially venerated in that Church. The commemoration of the apparition of this holy Archangel on Mount Gargano is celebrated on May 8th.

Besides this, other apparitions of St. Michael are recorded, which gave occasion, at different times, to the erection of splendid Churches in his honor, at Constantinople, at Rome and in France, as is to be read in the history of the Church. Experience has taught that this considerably increased the veneration of this great prince of heaven, and in truth we have most important reasons to show him especial honor; for, he is the head, or, as the Church expresses it, the prince of the heavenly legions. He is the first of those happy spirits who are continually in the presence of God, standing before His throne. It was he who, at the first moment of his existence, turned to the Almighty and submitted to Him in perfect obedience. It was he, who, so to say, first took up arms against the proud Lucifer, who would not be subject, but equal to the Most High. His humility, obedience and zeal for the honor of God raised him above all in heaven; as pride, disobedience and perfidy abased the proud Lucifer and precipitated him into hell.

St. Michael has been chosen by the Almighty as the protector of the Church of Christ, as in the old Covenant he was the protector of the Synagogue. He was, in olden times, solicitous for the welfare of the true believers in the Synagogue, as is evident from the words spoken by the holy Archangel, St. Gabriel, to the prophet Daniel: "Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me" (Daniel, x.). The angel, under whose protection the Persians were placed, desired that the Israelites should remain longer in Persia, as many Persians came to the knowledge of the true God by associating with the chosen people. The holy Archangel Gabriel, however, desired that the Israelites should be released out of Persia, because he feared that too great intimacy with the Persians might induce them to become faithless to the true God. St. Michael united his prayers with those of St. Gabriel, and thus evinced his care for the true believers.

Not less watchful is he now for the faithful of the New Testament and for the entire Church. He comes to help her, prays for her and protects her against her enemies. At the end of the world, he will manifest his protection of her, especially against the Antichrist, the greatest enemy of the Christians, as St. Gabriel revealed to the holy prophet Daniel, saying: "But at that time, Michael shall rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people" (Daniel, xii.). This holy Archangel is also appointed to bring the souls of men to the throne of the Most High, that they may receive their judgment; and that their sentence may be favorable, he strongly assists them in the last combat, which, at the end of their days, they have usually to fight with the Evil one. The devil, at that moment, uses all his powers to overcome man and make him unhappy for all eternity. St. Michael, appointed by God to assist and to strengthen our souls in this dangerous combat, helps us to conquer, Hence the holy Church addresses him in the name of all the faithful in the prayers for the dying, as follows: "Holy Archangel Michael, protect us in our fight, that we may not go to perdition on the day of Judgment." She teaches us also to invoke this holy Archangel before all other heavenly spirits, in the litany of all Saints.

But if we desire to secure his intercession, and enjoy his assistance in our last combat, it is necessary that we endeavor to imitate his example and fight bravely against the evil spirit, whom, at the end of our lives, we desire to conquer with St. Michael's assistance. Among different representations of St. Michael there is one in which he has a shield in his hand, upon which are the words: "Who is like unto God?" The word " Michael " means in Hebrew, " Who is like God?" St. Michael used this as a weapon, so to say, against the proud Lucifer who desired to be equal to the Lord. "Who is like God?" "Who is equal to God?" With these words, he conquered and precipitated Lucifer and his followers into hell. The same weapons, the same shield we also should use in all temptations. "Who is like God?" Who is so mighty, so wise, so beautiful, so amiable as God." Who is so much to be feared as God? Who can recompense my service as God? Who can do so much good or so much harm to me as God? Whom have I reason to serve and obey as God? Whose grace have I to seek more than the grace of God? Whose disfavor have I to fear more than the disfavor of God?

Whosoever uses these and other wholesome thoughts as spiritual weapons against the spirit of hell, fights after the example of St. Michael, and will always conquer Satan. And those who accustom themselves now to combat thus, have reason to hope that they will vanquish Satan in the last fight, and that the holy Archangel will surely assist them at that important moment.

In conclusion, I will add the beautiful words of St. Lawrence Justinian, by which he admonishes all Christians to venerate the holy Archangel. "It is our duty," says he, "to give honor to the prince of the heavenly legions. We ought to praise him especially on account of the elevated state of grace in which he is; and because God has distinguished him by bestowing so high a dignity upon him; for his invincible strength, for the Almighty's favor to him and his heroic constancy in combats; but in all these, we must honor him only in God, who has created him and us, He is very powerful with the Most High. The glorious victory is well known to us, which he won in heaven, soon after the Creation, over the rebellious angels. Not without reason does our Mother, the holy Church, endeavor to honor him especially, because she knows that the divine Majesty has given him to her as protector, mediator and receiver of all elect souls. Hence all should recognize St. Michael as their protector, and duly praising him, honor him with devout prayers, commend their cares to him and rejoice him by reforming their lives, as his love is so great, that he cannot refuse our prayers, nor reject our confidence, nor disregard our love; as he protects the humble, loves the chaste, guides the innocent, guards the pious in this temporal life, and leads them to their heavenly home."


I. St. Michael remained true to God when thousands of other angels became faithless to Him. He followed not their example. You also should not follow the bad example of others, but fulfil God's commandments. Remain faithful to the Lord though thousands of others leave Him. St. Michael was zealous in honoring God and opposed those who would not be obedient to the Creator. You can also do this. When others speak against the true faith in your presence, against the ceremonies and commandments of the true Church, against purity, against the honor of your neighbor; when you see that they transgress the laws of God and of the Church, you should defend the honor of the Almighty and prevent all the evil you can. If you are so situated that you cannot say or do much, show, by your silence, by your seriousness, that you are displeased by such offences against the Majesty of the Most High. St. Michael fought valiantly against Lucifer and his adherents. Therefore God placed him above all the heavenly spirits. Lucifer, with his adherents, endeavors to induce you to leave God, to become faithless to Him. Fight bravely against him and you, too, will be exalted. Say to him: "Who is like God? Who is so kind, so mighty, so amiable as God?" And that you may fight vigorously, as well in life as in death, call often and fervently on St. Michael: "Help us here to fight and to conquer the enemy, O St. Michael!"

II. St. Michael is exalted for his fidelity and for defending the honor of the Almighty. But what was the fate of Lucifer and his adherents? They were precipitated into hell, which God had created for the rebels, and for all those who would follow them in disobedience. Behold, this is the end of those who are disobedient to the Creator, and offend Him. Consider this point carefully. Lucifer and almost numberless heavenly spirits have been cast into everlasting fire on account of sin, of only one and the first sin. God spared not one of so many noble spirits, nor gave them one single moment to repent; but cast them all immediately into hell. A single sin is punished with eternal damnation, and this a sin only in thought. Do you then at last comprehend how great the wickedness of one single sin must be? Can you still flatter yourself that thoughts are free, or that you cannot commit great sin with them? Can you still believe those who say to you that God does not much regard sins; that He pardons them very easily? Truly you must either say that God is unjust, or that the wickedness of sin is very great. The first you dare not say, because it would be blasphemy; hence you say the second: the just God punishes a single sin with hell; but He punishes it not more severely than it deserves. Thus, a single mortal sin deserves to be punished during all eternity in hell; hence the wickedness of a mortal sin must be exceedingly great. What have you to object to it? Certainly if the example of Lucifer and the just punishment which God made him and his adherents suffer, have not opened your eyes to recognize the wickedness of sin, and if this is not sufficient to induce you to avoid all sin, you are lost. Consider further, the words of St. Peter, who said, that God, by chastising the sinful angels, shows all sinners how He will punish them. If God did not spare such noble spirits, how can you imagine that He will spare you? Make then this day, the resolution to fear sin, to fear it more than all the evils on earth, more even than hell itself ; for, it is truly a greater evil than hell itself. "Many consider hell the greatest evil," says St. Chrysostom; "I think that sin is a greater evil." 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian, Physicians and Martyrs


O Physicians of souls, Saints Cosmas and Damian, stand before the Lord of All and ask Him to heal me and all those dear to me of any spiritual ills we may endure. 

Drive away from us all sin and sadness of mind, all darkness and despair.

 Make us then willing and loving servants of Christ, following your holy example of detachment from the things of this world and care for the needs of our neighbors.

On the glorious day of the Universal Resurrection may we shine with you in the full health of our nature restored by the mercies of Jesus who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Supplication to Our Lady of Randsom


To obtain the Favour of her Patronage till Death.
(Can be said for nine consecutive days as a novena.)

The more exalted she is, the greater her clemency
and sweetness towards penitent sinners."--St. Gregory.

Sweet Mother! turn those gentle eyes
Of pity down on me;
Oh! hear thy suppliant's tearful cries,
My humble prayer do not despise,
Star of the pathless sea!

In dark temptation's dreary hour,
To thee, bright Queen, we flee;
Oh! then exert a mother's power,
When storms are rough and tempests lower;
Star of the raging sea!

Through all my joys and cares, sweet Maid,
May I still look on thee,
Who bore the Price our ransom paid,
And ne'er the suppliant's cry hath stayed;
Star of the azure sea!

And when my last expiring sigh,
My soul from earth shall free,
Do thou, bright Queen of Saints, stand by,
And bear it up to God on high,
Star of the boundless sea!

Say the Hail Mary three times followed by
the Hail Holy Queen in Latin or English 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Prayer of a Sinner to Our Lady of Ransom


from the Glories of Mary

by St. Alphonsus Liguori

O my sovereign Queen and worthy mother of my God, most holy Mary: I, seeing myself, as I do, so despicable, and loaded with so many sins, ought not to presume to call thee Mother, or even to approach thee; yet I will not allow my miseries to deprive me of the consolation and confidence that I feel in calling thee Mother; I know well that I deserve that thou shouldst reject me; but I beseech thee to remember all that thy son Jesus has endured for me, and then reject me if thou canst. I am a wretched sinner, who, more than all others, have despised the infinite majesty of God: but the evil is done. To thee have I recourse; thou canst help me: my Mother, help me. Say not that thou canst not do so; for I know that thou art all powerful, and that thou obtainest whatever thou desirest of God; and if thou sayest that thou wilt not help me, tell me at least to whom I can apply in this my so great misfortune. Either pity me, will I say, with the devout St. Anselm, 'O, my Jesus, and forgive me, or do thou pity me, my mother Mary, by interceding for me, or at least tell me to whom I can have recourse, who is more compassionate, or in whom I can have greater confidence than in thee.' Oh, no; neither on earth, nor in heaven, can I find anyone who has more compassion for the miserable, or who is better able to assist me, than thou canst, O Mary. Thou, O Jesus, art my Father, and thou, Mary, art my Mother. You both love the most miserable, and go seeking them in order to save them. I deserve hell and am the most miserable of all. But you need not seek me, nor do I presume to ask so much. I now present myself before you with a certain hope that I shall not be abandoned. Behold me at your feet; my Jesus, forgive me; my Mother Mary, help me.

Prayer to Our Lady of Ransom


From Contributors of Made New Ministry

Our Mother and Lady of Mercy, we come to you fervently seeking your aid. Our loved ones are falling, our dear friends ensnared, and those without anyone to pray for them stand at the brink of destruction. Extend your mantle of refuge and protection lovingly to cover mankind, to cover all sinners.

We pray explicitly for the ransom of all souls held captive to the devil’s persuasions. Many have been persuaded, but mighty is God’s merciful hand that saves, reaching out to the very gates of hell to rescue all repentant souls.

With you, O Blessed Mother of Mercy, we ask that God’s graces illuminate souls to clearly see His Will. May God grant courage for all to amend their errant ways, and may the peace of God perpetually accompany all who return to the right path, fixing them Heaven-bound.

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of substance abuse and addiction… we pray for their ransom and return.

For all souls held captive to the persuasion of abortion…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of contraception and sterilization…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of pornography and eroticism…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of trafficking and abuse…

For all souls held captive to the persuasion of suicide…

For all souls held captive to the persuasion of euthanasia…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of violence and terrorism…

For all souls held captive to the persuasion of heresy…

For all souls held captive to the persuasion of atheism…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of promiscuity and immodesty…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of  homosexuality and gender confusion…

For all souls held captive to the persuasions of lust, pride, and all sin…

And for all those in turmoil who care deeply for these captive souls, we pray for their healing and restoration. May the rays of your Son’s infinite and unfathomable mercy shatter the devil’s snares, redeeming all held captive to his empty persuasions. We ask this of Jesus through your tender and Immaculate Heart. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us! Jesus, we trust in You!

Monday, September 21, 2020

On the distinction between temptation and sin


James 1:12

Trial and Temptation
 Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Non veni pacem The Splendor of Truth

From Ann Barnhardt’s latest, a quote from Catechism Made Easy, 1881:

“Another sin which is directly opposed to the virtue of Faith is all willful doubt of any revealed truth. For if it is forbidden to disbelieve a doctrine, it is no less forbidden to doubt of it, since faith requires that we should firmly hold fast, without a moment’s hesitation, what God teaches and the Church proposes. But notice, my dear children, that it is one thing for a doubt to enter into our minds, and another for us to give way to it. What is forbidden by this commandment is a willful doubt; that is, a doubt which comes into our mind and which we do not put away when we notice it, but which we dwell upon on purpose. If we dislike these doubts, and do our best not to think of them, we do not commit any sin, but, on the contrary, gain great merit.”

Ann is indirectly calling out certain behaviors exhibited on social media in recent days (or in some cases, much longer). But I would like to draw your attention to the critical distinction being made in this passage.

If you want to advance on the path of sanctity, learn this well. The temptations are there for you to resist, so that you might gain even greater graces. The temptations are permitted so that we might use them to our advantage, just like any other type of suffering. The temptations aren’t your fault, unless you give in to them, luxuriate in them, and turn them into sin. The quoted passage is addressing doubt, or lack of faith, but the lesson applies to all temptations: There is no sin without the full assent of the will.

Folks, you need to get this sorted. You will never be without temptation, and it’s for your own good. Every time we choose to love God and turn away from sin, we grow in holiness. After the Fall, this is God’s plan for us to reconcile ourselves to Him by cooperating with grace. When we pray, “Lead us not into temptation,” what we are praying is to not be OVERCOME by temptation, not for temptation itself to be taken away. The anti-church doesn’t understand this, which is why they are messing around with the vernacular translations.

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper Isaiah 54:17

Even our Lord was tempted. Have you ever meditated on that? He was/is a divine person with two distinct natures, human and divine, united in the Hypostatic Union. United but distinct, not commingled. His human nature was fully, truly human, like us in all ways except for sin. This is not an abstract theological concept. Why did He design Himself this way? So that we could know with absolute certainty that every element of the human condition, except sin, has also been experienced by God Himself. That’s how much he loves us. When He was tempted in the desert, it was real. Jesus was tempted. It’s okay to be sufficiently blown away by that.

Make the choice today to take that next step in sanctity. Hone your bearing. The only way to be ready to resist temptation is to already have on the armor of God, head on a swivel. The devil is everywhere waiting to devour you. But His grace abounds, and is always sufficient.

Saint Michael, pray for us!

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Prayer to St. Joseph Cupertino

 "With two wings man ascends above earthly things, to wit, by simplicity and purity."--Imitation. 

 O glorious St. Joseph Cupertino, who in this life spoke constantly to the hearts of the faithful through heroic virtues and marvelous wonders worked by the hand of God, turn to us who implore your blessing. Arouse in our hearts some spark of that divine love which so inflamed your soul, so that we may desire nothing more than to please God all the days of our lives. And just as you were lifted up from the earth in ecstasy on hearing the sweet names of Jesus and Mary, pray that we, too, may detach ourselves from the things of earth, realize the vanity of the world, detest our sins and obtain pardon for them. Strengthen our faith, O good St. Joseph, revive our hope and inflame our love, so that we may have Jesus always in our minds and hearts, and after a good Christian death may merit to enjoy His glory with you in Paradise. Amen. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Prayer to our Lady of Sorrows for the conversion of sinners

Oh! afflicted Mother, dearest Mother, what made thee stand beneath the Cross? It was love for Jesus—it was also love for sinners. Like Jesus thou didst willingly offer thyself, amid the horrors of Calvary, for poor sinners. Oh! then by the Blood of Jesus—by thy own tears—-by His sufferings and thy sorrows, look down upon sinners and bring them to thy dying Son that He may triumph in their repentance and perseverance. Especially do thou lead to Jesus and to pardon our friends and relations. Oh! remember, dear Mother, that word of Jesus,“I thirst.” For what did He thirst but for the salvation of souls? Remember how He prayed for His executioners and how He absolved the dying thief. Remember too, sweet Mother, that it was amid the agonies of thy dying Son, and amid thy own unutterable grief, that Jesus spoke those wondrous words,“ Mother, behold thy son.” “Son, behold thy Mother.”—Oh! we then are thy children—thou art our Mother.
Sinners are thy children—‘thou art their Mother. To thy loving heart we commend the poor sinner. Pray for us, most loving, most dear, and most sorrowful Virgin Mary.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
O Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.

The Cross Our Badge ✟

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

The Cross Our Badge ✟
We Catholics have a great share in this Exaltation of the Cross. It is our special trust, our badge, our glory. Like the first Christians, it is ours to honor, to use, to be known by. Those who have fallen from the true faith have laid it aside as childish and not fit for the mature. But the Gospel was preached to the childlike, and the Kingdom of Heaven reserved for them. So we will keep our childlike ways, and loyally use the sacred sign. We will make it with reverence, with confidence, with joy. And the day will come when we who are signed with the Sign of the Cross upon our foreheads will go forth to meet our Redeemer, and He will acknowledge us to be His own. Like Constantine, by that sign we shall conquer.

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

from the Liturgical Year, 1903

"Through thee the precious Cross is honoured and worshipped throughout the world (Cyrill, Alex. Hom. iv. Ephesi habits.)." Thus did St. Cyril of Alexandria apostrophize our Lady on the morrow of that great day, which saw her divine maternity vindicated at Ephesus. Eternal Wisdom has willed that the Octave of Mary's birth should he honoured by the celebration of this Feast of the triumph of the holy Cross. The Cross indeed is the standard of God's armies, whereof Mary is the Queen; it is by the Cross that she crushes the serpent's head, and wins so many victories over error, and over the enemies of the Christian name. 

By this sign thou shalt conquer. Satan had been suffered to try his strength against the Church by persecution and tortures; but his time was drawing to an end. By the edict of Sardica, which emancipated the Christians, Galerius, when about to die, acknowledged the powerlessness of hell. Now was the time for Christ to take the offensive, and for his Cross to prevail. Towards the close of the year 311, a Roman army lay at the foot of the Alps, preparing to pass from Gaul into Italy. Constantine, its commander, thought only of revenging himself for an injury received from Maxentius, his political rival; but his soldiers, as unsuspecting as their chief, already belonged henceforward to the Lord of hosts. The Son of the Most High, having become, as Son of Mary, king of this world, was about to reveal himself to his first lieutenant, and, at the same time, to discover to his first army the standard that was to go before it. Above the legions, in a cloudless sky, the Cross, proscribed for three long centuries, suddenly shone forth; all eyes beheld it, making the Western sun, as it were, its footstool, and surrounded with these words in characters of fire: IN HOC VINCE : by this be thou conqueror! A few months later, 27th October 312, all the idols of Rome stood aghast to behold, approaching along the Flaminian Way, beyond the Bridge Milvius, the Labarum with its sacred monogram, now become the standard of the imperial armies. On the morrow was fought the decisive battle, which opened the gates of the Eternal City to Christ, the only God, the everlasting King. 

"Hail, O Cross, formidable to all enemies, bulwark of the Church, strength of princes; hail in thy triumph! The sacred Wood still lay hidden in the earth, yet it appeared in the heavens announcing victory; and an emperor, become Christian, raised it up from the bowels of the earth (Ap. Graec. Menae. in profesto Exaltationis)." Thus sang the Greek Church yesterday, in preparation for the joys of today; for the East, which has not our peculiar Feast of the 3rd of May, celebrates on this one solemnity both the overthrow of idolatry by the sign of salvation revealed to Constantine and his army, and the discovery of the holy Cross a few years later in the cistern of Golgotha. 

But another celebration, the memory of which is fixed by the Menology on the 13th September, was added in the year 335 to the happy recollections of this day; namely, the dedication of the basilicas raised by Constantine on Mount Calvary and over the holy Sepulchre, after the precious discoveries made by his mother St. Helena. In the very same century that witnessed all these events, a pious pilgrim, thought to be St. Silvia, sister of Rufinus the minister of Theodosius and Arcadius, attested that the anniversary of this dedication was celebrated with the same solemnity as Easter and the Epiphany. There was an immense concourse of Bishops, clerics, monks, and seculars of both sexes, from every province ; and the reason, she says, is that the Cross was found on this day; which motive had led to the choice of the same day for the primitive consecration, so that the two joys might be united in one. 

Through not being aware of the nearness of the dedication of the Anastasia, or Church of the Resurrection, to the feast of the holy Cross, many have misunderstood the discourse pronounced on this feast by Sophronius, the holy patriarch of Jerusalem. "It is the feast of the Cross; who would not exult? It is the triumph of the Resurrection; who would not be full of joy? Formerly, the Cross led to the Resurreotion; now it is the Resurreotion that introduces us to the Cross. Resurrection and Cross: trophies of our salvation (Sophron. in Exaltat. venerandae Crucis)!" And the Pontiff then developed the instructions resulting from this connection.

It appears to have been about the same time that the West also began to unite in a certain manner these two great mysteries; leaving to the 14th September the other memories of the Holy Cross, the Latin Churches introduced into Paschal Time a special feast of the finding of the Wood of Redemption. In compensation, the present solemnity acquired a new lustre to its character of triumph by the contemporaneous events which, as we shall see, form the principal subject of the historical Legend in the Roman Liturgy. 

About the end of the reign of the Emperor Phocas, Chosroes king of the Persians invaded Egypt and Africa. He then took possession of Jerusalem; and after massacring there many thousand Christians, he carried away into Persia the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, which Helena had placed upon Mount Calvary. Phocas was succeeded in the empire by Heraclius; who, after enduring many losses and misfortunes in the course of the war, sued for peace, but was unable to obtain it even upon disadvantageous terms, so elated was Chosroes by his victories. In this perilous situation he applied himself to prayer and fasting, and earnestly implored God's assistance. Then, admonished from heaven, he raised an army, marched against the enemy, and defeated three of Chosroes' generals with their armies. 

Subdued by these disasters Chosroes took to flight; and, when about to cross the river Tigris, named his son Medarses his associate in the kingdom. But his eldest son Siroes, bitterly resenting this insult, plotted the murder of his father and brother. He soon afterwards overtook them in flight, and put them both to death. Siroes then had himself recognized as king by Heraclius, on certain conditions, the first of which was to restore the Cross of our Lord. Thus, fourteen years after it had fallen into the hands of the Persians, the Cross was recovered; and on his return to Jerusalem, Heraclius, with great pomp, bore it back on his own shoulders to the mountain whither our Saviour had carried it. 

This event was signalized by a remarkable miracle. Heraclius, attired as he was in robes adorned with gold and precious stones, was forced to stand still at the gate which led to Mount Calvary. The more he endeavored to advance, the more he seemed fixed to the spot. Heraclius himself and all the people were astounded; but Zacharias, the bishop of Jerusalem said: Consider, O emperor, how little thou imitatest the poverty and humility of Jesus Christ, by carrying the Cross clad in triumphal robes. Heraclius thereupon laid aside his magnificent apparel, and barefoot, clothed in mean attire he easily completed the rest of the way, and replaced the Cross in the same place on Mount Calvary, whence it had been carried off by Persians. From this event, the feast of the Exaltation of the holy Cross, which was celebrated yearly on this day, gained fresh lustre, in memory of the Cross being replaced by Heraclius on the spot where it had first been set up for our Saviour. 


The victory thus chronicled in the sacred books of the Church, was not, O Cross, thy last triumph; nor were the Persians thy latest enemies. At the very time of the defeat of these fire-worshippers, the prince of darkness was raising up a new standard, the Crescent. By the permission of God, whose ensign thou art, and who, having come on earth to struggle like us, flees not, before any foe, Islam also was about to try its strength against thee: a twofold power, the sword and the seduction of the passions. But here again, alike in the secret combats between the soul and Satan, as in the great battles recorded in history, the final success was due to the weakness and folly of Calvary. 

Thou, O Cross, wert the rallying-standard of all Europe in those sacred expeditions which borrowed from thee their beautiful title of Crusades, and which exalted the Christian name in the East. While on the one hand thou wert thus warding off degradation and ruin, on the other thou wert preparing the conquest of new continents; so that it is by thee that our West remains at the head of nations. Through thee, the warriors in those glorious campaigns are inscribed on the first pages of the golden book of nobility. And now the new orders of chivalry, which claim to hold among their ranks the elite of the human race, look upon thee as the highest mark of merit and honour. It is the continuation of today's mystery, the exaltation, even in our times of decadence, of the holy Cross, which in past ages was the standard of the legions, and glittered on the diadems of emperors and kings. 

It is true, men have appeared in France, who have made it their aim to overthrow the sacred sign, wheresoever our fathers had honoured it. This invasion of the servants of Pilate into the country of the Crusaders was inexplicable, until it was discovered that they were in Jewish pay. These, as St Leo says of the Jews in today's Office, see in the instrument of salvation nothing but their own crime (Homily of the 3rd Nocturn ex Leon. Serm. viii de Passione); and their guilty conscience makes them hire, to pull down the holy Cross, the very men whom they formerly paid to set it up. The coalition of such enemies is but one more homage to thee! O adorable Cross, our glory and our love here on earth, save us on the day when thou shalt appear in the heavens, when the Son of Man, seated in his majesty, is to judge the world!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Novena Prayer to the Holy Name of Mary

O Mother of Perpetual Help! grant that I may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living, and the salvation of the dying. O purest Mary! O sweetest Mary! let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O blessed Lady! to succor me, whenever I call on thee; for in all my temptations, in all my needs, I shall never cease to call on thee, ever repeating thy sacred name, Mary, Mary. Oh, what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what emotion fills my soul when I utter thy sacred name, or even only think of thee! I thank the Lord for having given thee, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely uttering thy name. Let my love for thee prompt me ever to hail thee, Mother of Perpetual Help.
(Indulgence 100 days once a day.--Pius IX., May 17, 1866.)
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. (Here mention your intentions)

(Indulgence of three years. Raccolta 339. 

Plenary indulgence once a month for the daily recitation of this prayer.) 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Biblical village of Bethsaida where Jesus performed some of his most famous miracles is finally identified by archaeologists after 32 years of excavations

Bethsaida where Jesus performed the Miracle of Multiplication of loaves and fish, walked on water and helped a blind man to see.
A Biblical village where Jesus performed some of his most famous miracles really existed, and today lies in ruins only a mile from the Sea of Galilee, archaeologists believe.

In the Bible, Bethsaida was home to disciples Peter, Andrew and Philip, and was where Jesus purportedly fed the 5,000, walked on water and helped a blind man to see.  

Archaeologists have been working for 32 years to find the lost city, which was eventually cursed to destruction by Jesus because residents failed to repent in spite of his miracles. 

Now professor Rami Arav of the University of Nebraska says he is in no doubt that Et-Tell, in the Golan Heights near the Jordan River estuary, is the location of the biblical village. 

A biblical village cursed to destruction by Jesus really existed and today lies in ruins only a mile from the Sea of Galilee, archaeologists believe.


Bethsaida — the biblical hometown to disciples Andrew, Peter and Philip — was reputedly where Jesus performed a number of miracles.
It lies on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee, at the terminus of the River Jordan — not too far from Capernaum, where Jesus spent much of his adulthood. The name Bethsaida means 'House of the Fisherman' in Hebrew.
The miracles performed at Bethsaida included the feeding of the 5,000, in which Christ — following the death of John the Baptist — used five loaves and two fishes supplied by a boy to feed a crowd of his followers.

'Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people,' the event is described in Luke 9:16–17.
'They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.'
The Gospel of Mark, meanwhile, tells of a blind man of Bethsaida whose sight was restored after two blessings from Jesus. 
'They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him,' begins Mark 8:22.
'He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?” ' 
'He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” '
'Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.'
'Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into the village.” '
According to the Benedictine Monk Saint Bede, this miracle serves as an example of how 'Christ teaches us how great is the spiritual blindness of man, which only by degrees, and by successive stages, can come to the light of Divine knowledge.'
Pictured: Jesus, as played by Robert Powell, heals the blind man, played by Renato Rascel, in the 1977 miniseries Jesus of Nazareth
Pictured: Jesus, as played by Robert Powell, heals the blind man, played by Renato Rascel, in the 1977 miniseries Jesus of Nazareth
Also in Mark is a reference to Jesus walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee — a miracle performed in the wake of the feeding of the 5,000, after which Jesus had sent the disciples ahead of him to Bethsaida by boat.
'After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray,' begins Mark 6–45.
'Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. 
'Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified.'
'Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down.'
According to Matthew, meanwhile, the area around Bethsaida is where Jesus began his public ministry — fulfilling the prediction of Isaiah that its people would see 'a great light'.
However, Jesus' preachings appear to have fallen on largely deaf ears by the time he came to make his final journey to Jerusalem.
'Woe to you Bethsaida!' Jesus is reported to have said in Luke 10:13.
'For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.'

Novena to St. Charbel

  Day 1 O Miraculous Saint Charbel, from whose immaculate body, which overpowers corruption, radiates the scent of heaven, come to my rescue...